Vernon Christian School is growing in numbers and vision!

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Vernon Christian School is a cornerstone of the North Okanagan. For close to 50 years, we have been the home of the VCS Royals and their incredible families. Thousands of students have come through our doors and our alumni have emerged as community leaders, educators, health care providers and champions of faith-filled living whose impact on the world for God’s glory cannot be calculated.

Our little school (that isn’t so little anymore) has shaped the greater Vernon area for the better in ways we’ll never fully understand. We have the opportunity to build on this legacy for the next generations as we carry the vision of VCS into the future.

Our goal is to:

blue keyhole
The Vision
blue keyhole
Project The
Way Forward
A Royal Challenge

We are growing.
We are BURSTING at the seams.

This is great news! But it also creates new challenges for us to overcome.

Our students are using computer labs, libraries and common areas for regular classroom work, just so we can fit everybody. But that means our kids have limited time using those rooms as they’re intended. We immediately need to address this so we can better meet the needs of our students including providing the amount of gym time recommended by the provincial government.

We believe that every family that wants their children to have quality Christ-centered education in this region should have that opportunity. It’s up to us to make sure this option continues to exist for generations to come. We know that the world is changing. Parents and families are working hard to navigate the culture we live in, and relying on VCS to be a safe place that helps our kids see the world through the eyes of their faith.

We need to immediately address our space issues so that we are not turning anyone away. Every year we have 20-25 new kids join us. This is nearly the equivalent of a new class being added every year. We have reached our absolute max capacity for the 2024-25 school year.

The Bottom Line:

We need to Make Way for more students and increase our facilities so that our current students are empowered with everything they need as they embark on a life of discipleship through quality education in a Christ-centered community.

The Solution

Our 4 Pillar

The ultimate goal of this project is to achieve two classes per grade level (K-12), with student capacity up to 650. How will we Make Way for this goal and see it through? The VCS Society has endorsed a 4 Pillar Plan as part of the VCS Vision for Campus Expansion. These Pillars were carefully discerned by many key stakeholders of VCS: Staff, Committee Volunteers, Administration, and the Board. The 4 Pillar Plan outlines the components that will be achieved in this goal.

Pillar 1:
Land Acquisition

If you have experienced drop-off and pick-up at our school, you know. Our single entrance and exit does not cut it anymore! We need to Make Way for more parking and more flexible pickup options for our Elementary and Secondary Campus parents. There are several neighbouring properties that we have our eyes on. We are in constant communication with the owners about the possibility of selling to VCS.

Status: Complete
Cost: $2,200,000

We are thrilled to announce that in early 2024, we completed the purchase of a 7.5 acre property to the north, bordering our Secondary Campus. What an answer to many, many prayers! This property is directly north of our construction footprint, and has opened up many new, cost-saving opportunities. It also opens up many possibilities for growth in the long term: 40-50 years down the road! The first steps: a parking lot and access off of Pleasant Valley Road during 2024-25.

Pillar 2:
Elementary Campus Renovation & Reconfiguration

Our Elementary Campus, constructed in 1977, has served us so well for many years! Now, we must take care of it so that through it we can continue providing excellent learning, and to more effectively empower our distinct “Teaching for Transformation” approach to education. Upgrades include new Learning Assistance spaces, LED lighting retrofits, HVAC upgrades, and an overhaul of our rainwater drainage system to protect the foundation.

Status: Complete
Cost: $400,000
Pillar 3:
Construct a Gym/Assembly Space at the Secondary Campus

In order to address current timetable restrictions and enhance PE & Athletics programs as well as function as a hub for school-wide and community-wide events. A dedicated venue at each campus would advance the transformational impact of learning for the whole VCS community and increase our profile/exposure in Vernon to advance the VCS mission. It would also provide opportunity for increased partnerships with churches, schools and other external organizations.

Status: In Progress
Cost: $8,000,000
Pillar 4:
Construct Additional Learning Complex Connected to the Secondary Campus

In order to empower our distinct “Teaching for Transformation” approach to education. New construction and renovated/re-configured facilities would be designed to testify that VCS staff and students are a People of God – invited, nurtured and empowered to take their place in God’s unfolding story of restoration. (Design emphasis: excellent, transformational learning; community & relationship & flexibility).

Status: In Progress
Cost: $6,000,000


Pillar 1 and 2 were completed in 2024!

It will require the whole VCS community to come together with significant involvement and investments to make it happen. We cannot afford to wait and we believe God is calling us to move forward with faith.

Our building expansion plan will focus on:

  • High School Gymnasium
  • Additional Classrooms
  • Multi-use Common Areas
VCS gym
VCS hallway

Why Now?

Vernon is growing at an unprecedented rate. We need to plan ahead. Already, with an expansion project plan projected over the next 2-3 years, at our current growth rate, we will be trying to find space for 50-75 new students before our space is even complete. There is urgency for us to responsibly address our capacity issues now. We cannot meet the current demand. More students and families want to enroll at VCS than we can accommodate. The pandemic reminded us all how important healthy, affirming education is to the well-being of our children and how important teachers are in guiding this process. We have come together with strength and integrity just in time to Make Way for something new.

Why VCS?

As the only K-12 Christian school within 50km, VCS plays an important role in the educational landscape of this region. There is simply no alternative for our families and nowhere else for them to send their kids where they can trust they will be equipped for a life of discipleship and empowered to use their education to serve the world for Christ.

We have worked hard to build a strong reputation in the community. We are a trusted place and we care about our students. The world is changing at lightning speed. As parents navigate the cultural shifts happening in our country, we want to offer something different than the public school system offers. We want to offer hope, faith, integrity and a daily reminder of the call of God on our lives. Our values are at the forefront of everything we do.

We are deeply committed to true engagement with our students and their families. Make Way for Vernon Royals as they head into a lifetime of discipleship and community impact.


We have developed this expansion project plan with the following in mind: students, families, the community, the Kingdom. Our goal is to serve and build into each of these.


Our students are at the heart of this expansion plan. Our Royals deserve the absolute best as they study and grow in wisdom and their faith. Being crammed together in insufficient space is not conducive to excellent learning. They need space and clear access to resources such as computer labs, libraries and the gymnasium.

kids group

We believe that excellent education leads to flourishing and thriving families. VCS is here for the whole family. We partner with parents as they raise their incredible kids to be world changers. We want to be the solution families are looking for as they endeavor to raise their kids focused on Jesus and living a life of integrity. Many of our Royals have parents who were once Royals. We are together for the long haul!

soccer fam

It is the call of Jesus for us to be a light in the dark. Our expansion project includes multi-use spaces where the community can engage with us outside of school hours. We will build a space for sports and recreation groups, churches and other community groups to use and rent, benefitting the community at large.

Royals family
For the

The students and families that find their way through our doors have an immeasurable impact on the Kingdom of God. We believe we can build a space where goodness, faith, integrity, hope and love are fostered and released into the world.

How Will We Do It? What’s the plan?

The process has included:
  • Data collection and feedback from various stakeholder groups
  • Society endorsed future enrollment growth at VCS
  • Formed VCS Vision for Campus Expansion
    (4 Pillar Plan)
    • North Campus addition – new classrooms, common spaces and gymnasium
  • Society blessing to move ahead
  • Architectural design and renderings
  • Capital Raise
  • Ground Breaking!
Now it’s time to Make Way!

How You Can Help

We need to raise $3 million in order to complete Pillar 3 – Gymnasium + Flex Teaching Space, the next phase in our campus expansion plan.

Out of a deep desire to wisely steward this project and the financial health of VCS, we want to have 66% of this money raised before we break ground.

We believe this is a project for the whole VCS Community. We are asking for donations from parents, alumni, community, family and friends. Consider asking your employer about donation matching. Consider leading the charge on a community fundraising event. Most importantly, please join us in investing in this urgently needed Kingdom-building project.

We are also asking our students to get involved and get creative about how they can help raise money. Whether it’s mowing lawns, collecting bottles or otherwise serving the community, we want to engage our students in this project so they feel a deep connection to the result. They are worth every penny of this investment. We want them to walk into the building expansion and think – I helped make this happen.

We need to raise
$3 Million
Progress so far:
$1.2m in gifts/pledges
It’s time to Make Way for the next season of growth at Vernon Christian School. Prayerfully consider how you’ll join the VCS community in building a space that supports our growing student enrollment, but more importantly the spiritual, personal and educational growth of our students.
What do you think?
Are we going to do this or what?
Pillar 3:
Gymnasium + Flex Teaching Space
Budget Breakdown and Construction Timeline
$8 Million



Two-court gymnasium, bleachers, flooring, equipment.


Upper Level

Two classrooms, entrance, hallway, washrooms, lift.


Lower Level

Washrooms, Locker Rooms, Athletics Office. Storage.


Site Work

Excavation, Civil, Building Interfacing, Water & Septic Upgrades, Parking.


Consulting fees, Engineering, Testing



Estimated 18 Months Construction time

construction estimate
Break Ground
Summer 2025
Project Complete
Winter 2026/27
Tax deductions
Donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

As a registered charity with the CRA, all donations above $50 are eligible for a charitable tax receipt! We have many ways of accepting your generous gifts towards this project, from cheques to e-transfers to monthly giving programs. VCS advises you to speak with your accountant or a tax professional to see how this looks for you.

giving chart


Donate Now

It’s time to Make Way for the next season of growth at Vernon Christian School.

To avoid transaction fees on larger donations, please contact

Makeway logo icon

Phone: 250-545-7345

Administration Office

6920 Pleasant Valley Road
Vernon BC, V1B 3R5

Registered Canadian Charitable Registration No.
